Upgraded Building Controls
& Finance Program
The world's largest Courtyard by Marriott hotel is located in downtown Toronto.
The hotel surrounds its guests with conveniences that simplify and enhance
their stay. The Director of Engineering for the Courtyard and Toronto Hydro
Energy Services installed additional control features to the building’s
automation system to increase operational efficiency and lower energy costs.
The supervisory functions for alarming, logging, scheduling control and
custom HVAC applications are now controlled via a personal
Blackberry and Palm Pilot.
The facility improvements achieved a number of goals, most notably a
reduction in energy consumption, maintenance savings and improved hotel
environment control. Using wireless technology, the Courtyard staff monitor
critical operations and can make adjustments quickly to maximize energy
savings and improve environmental comfort for customers. The Courtyard
was able to secure a preferred financing rate through Toronto Hydro Energy
Services' third party finance program with CitiCapital Finance.