Little to no physical exercise, except for walking from couch to fridge. Always sick, still recovering from last years hospitalization for Pulmonary Disease Disorder.
No concept yet of good nutrition, consistently making poor dietary choices.
Driving everywhere, eating out constantly, taking care of everyone - other than myself; dealing with abusive and self-destructive relationships around me.
Marriage quickly deteriorated through a lack of communication and personal understanding; these mistakes I made transformed my way of thinking over the next few years and allowed me to grow past what I ever thought possible.
Began Marriage Separation process, difficult at the time but a positive leap forward for both parties.
A broken man.
Increased weight gain / Increased Substance Abuse / Increased food abuse and emotional eating to the max!!!
Life style was a prison. Weight was a prison. Attitude towards both of these in turn was a prison; a self-fulfilling prophecy?
Continued and increased self-destructive behaviour (food, alcohol, cigarettes)
Decision made to change appearance to increase the likelihood of finding love.
Big gym membership, 3-5 hours a day and workout crazed with no purpose but to "bulk up". Weights, weights and more Weights; only helping to pump up ego, ego and more ego. Mixed Martial Arts Fighting, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, "Pit Fighting" – all were fair game if it helped make a man in the mirrors cruel eyes.
Every supplement out there and more consumed. Letting ego and "muscles" dictate my life. Difficult relationships, they always interrupted the ego trip.
Self destructive thoughts – it was that bad. This was a difficult part of life to include but important in that it shows no matter how low you are it is really possible to climb up!
New Year and a New Beginning!!!
Made the right choice for what seems to be the first point in my life and started my first positive relationship.
My Grandmother passed away after a long, long, painful struggle with illness. However, there was a sense of calm for me after her passing, knowing that she was now free from pain, struggle and suffering.
1st 30 day Yoga Challenge (changed my thoughts about fitness and health)
Costa Rica Adventure (changed my thoughts on lifestyle and health)
2nd 30 day Yoga Challenge (changed my thoughts on nutrition and health)
TOTAL change in fitness, health, nutrition, spirit, lifestyle. Fitness is not about working out Ego anymore, it is about training the Heart-Lungs-Spirit, Core-Functional-Training. Using the beauty and wonder of Mother Nature combined with the free spaces around us to a health and fitness advantage.
Began to detoxify; working towards emotional and spiritual nourishment with a healthy weight.
Jogging, Pilates, Tai Chi, Spin Classes, Hands-On healing techniques
Self-education: Meditation and Ancient fitness/healing techniques
Invested time learning alternative medicines, relaxation techniques, sweat lodges
Explored plant-based-nutrition lifestyle. Cut out smoking and drastically cut alcohol intake in efforts to promote a healthier way of life.
Also began a short, but needed stand-up comedy and writing stint. This did not last long, but to this day, I give credit to much of my Dragon Group Class success to many of the skills I learned via stand-up comedy. You would be very surprised at how much in common teaching, stand-up comedy and being an elite group fitness class instructor have in common.
Began cycling not only for competition, but for fun, transportation and fitness
Summer of personal and family critical situations; extreme stress on body, mind and soul
Physical sickness and stress overcomes wins a short term battle: Only for the time being though, this is a story of survival after all!!!
Physical illness and depression.
Physical pain and emotional pain set in. My fitness routine has long come to an end at this point.
I find myself in line at Zellars Pharmacy 3 days before xmas holding a encyclopaedia of prescriptions for Anti depressants, sleeping pills and a variety of other "illnesses" symptoms. I decide to rip all the prescriptions up, watch the pieces fall to the floor with a smile, head home, find my runners buried at the back of the closet and head out for a 4km run. My first run in months - IT FELT GREAT!!! I began to realize that health and fitness do not come in a bottle. Health and fitness comes with Power, Strength, and Endurance which all begins in our CORE.
I make the conscious decision not to allow any negative emotions - fear, anger, guilt or feelings of inadequacy to rule my life. My mantra begins: "You are your worst enemy, if you choose to accept that mode of thinking…" "Dare to dream"
New Year, New Beginning AGAIN!!! MWTDT INC. is born
Free aerobic style training for my closest friends and neighbours in my condo dance room. Using only our own body weight and a skipping rope to get the job done. "Clients" rapidly begin to lose weight, shape their body and feel great immediately. I am happy at last!!!
Cycling Dragons Workouts begin and flourish.
Free Outdoor Community Oriented Dragon Bootcamps flourish in HighPark, Toronto
Free Dragon Workouts continue to develop, adjust and thrive. Now firmly entrenched in Health, Fitness, Nutrition and education; you name it, it was done!!!
Personal Training Certification
Filming of MWTDT teaser footage.
Foot broken in 2 places while filming in the Yukon. Still continued to make the video, 5 mins after consciousness was regained. This is all on camera.
Private Dragon Training and School Dragon Classes begin
Free Indoor Dragon Classes at various gym facilities throughout Toronto begins
MWTDT Inc becomes a movement, a revolution, a must within the Toronto/Junction Health and Fitness Community. Dragon clients see the "awe" factor in training Quicker, Smarter and become Stronger.
Realized it takes a Village to raise a child. Major changes in life and with those around me, all for the greater good of course, happy at last!!!
Happy New Year!
Welcome to the year of the Dragon.
From our humble beginnings - with only free community classes in outdoors in High Park to our rapidly expanding movement throughout the city and beyond; The "Man With The Dragon Tattoo" improves the lives of those involved, unifying Mind, Body and Soul.
Instruction in the ways of Dragon Fitness is a progression which flows (exercise to exercise) smoothly (with rhythm) while retaining intensity and fire to TORCH those cals.
Everything within the "Man With The Dragon Tattoo" provides encouragement, support and drive. Extending to you an opportunity to surpass even YOUR fitness goals.
The Inspiration to begin, the knowledge to Motivate, the will to Achieve - Man With The Dragon Tattoo.
Finding YOUR wings care of the "Man With The Dragon Tattoo".
- Private (1 Dragon)
- Couples (2 Dragons)
- Dragon Camps (Group training outside)
- Dragon Classes (Held indoors at partner facilities near you).
Dragon Classes in YOUR community
Community. Something to be proud of, every Dragon Class promotes "Social Fitness" by offering workouts in locales close to home; reducing your carbon footprint while at the same time hopefully making you new friends in your neighbourhood. Encouraging, positive and even corrective comments give you more than just a leg up on other workouts. With class sizes capped at 25 individuals, we are able to bring personalized attention to detail to each session.